Please tell me again. I'm sorry MINORI. Telling the truth, I felt that you didn't enjoy lesson. I felt so... and then I lost that I wanted to say gradually. Moreover lost my confidence. I can't explain something well. I wish I could tell you about my thought well. I intend to make an effort to study while summer vacation. Two days more, I wish we can enjoy lesson. haru
2007/07/18(Wed) 13:56 [ No.31 ]
| Sorry for making you worry, Haru. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just wanted to understand what you were trying to tell me today. I always enjoy talking and studying with you. Please do not be so discouraged. I'm happy as long as YOU enjoy studying with us. Let's have fun talking tomorrow!!! Minori
2007/07/18(Wed) 20:02 [ No.32 ]
| Thank you so much. I never lose my confidence from now on. I'll do it hard. The joy turns into own confidence.I think. So I wanna increase a lot of joy!!!!! Thank you MINORI. Sincerely haru |
2007/07/19(Thu) 14:15 [ No.33 ]
Hi there! May I ask you a question?
『話やイメージを広げる』と言った表現の場合 Spread the story. blow up the story. raise the story. swell the story. 調べたらこ〜〜〜んなに色々出てきてしまいました。 テキストにあるA&Bの会話を時に広げてみたいなと思っています。 『もう少し話を広げませんか?』 と言ったニュアンスのお誘い文句はどんな風に言うと、カジュアルでしょうか? I'd like to speak in another situation. よろしくおねがいします。 haru
2007/06/28(Thu) 13:39 [ No.30 ]
Hi, I'm Megumi.
I can't say L or R sound clearly. I heard a short story. It's a like this. -- check out of a hotel
A: Here is your receipt. Thank you very much. B: Thanks. Say, can I ask you a favor? A: Certainly. B: Could you keep my luggage for a few hour while I run some errands. A: Yes, of course.
-- Bottom 2nd line, my Luggage foR a few hOUR whiLe I Run some eRRands. L and R, I can't say. How do I say the sentences like native speaker? Could you give me some tips on how to say? |
2007/06/22(Fri) 21:42 [ No.29 ]
Hi Minori,
I regret to miss chances to talk with you as I was rather busy past three days.. By the way, I need your help.
I set up a meeting, but one of presenters suddenly could not make it due to a client visit. Therefore, I sent the attendees an email about it as follows. **************************************** All,
Please be informed that Tanaka san can not make it for today's meeting due to a clinet visit. The agenda will be cancelled and discussed next week.
I am sorry for this short notice and thank you for your understanding. ********************************* But some members ringed me right after I posted this mail since they were not sure if the meeting itself will be cancelled or just only the topic will be skipped. Would you kindly correct my sentence to make myself clear?? Any comments would be appreciated.
Thank you!
2007/06/23(Sat) 09:56 [ No.28 ]
お世話になっております。 すみませんが本日は出張に付き、レッスンをキャンセルさせて頂きたく。
PS:本趣旨のメールの英文化例を返信していただければ幸いです。 |
2007/06/18(Mon) 12:45 [ No.24 ]
| ご連絡ありがとうございます。 大変恐縮ですが、キャンセル・休学・退学等の事務関係のご連絡は0120-588-587もしくはinfo@minutes-english.comへお願いいたします。 本掲示板は不定期に更新され、当日のキャンセルなどには対応できませんのでご了承下さい。 また、ご連絡の際はお名前・生徒番号もお忘れなく!
I'd like to cancel my appointment today because I'll be away on my business trip.
2007/06/19(Tue) 13:45 [ No.25 ]
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MakiMaki -
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